V.7:1 (30-34): Completing the DMI rules by Jim Summers

V.7:1 (30-34): Completing the DMI rules by Jim Summers
Item# \V07\C01\COMPLET.PDF
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Product Description

Completing the DMI rules by Jim Summers

Finally, after these many months, the Lotus Command Language code to reproduce Wilder's Directional Movement Index system (DMI) reaches an end. In using Wilder's DMI to teach readers of Stocks & Commodities how to program Lotus, we've come a long way. Starting with the simplest of macros, we're now into programming at a fairly high level and have used a number of techniques, including debugging strategies. Recent comments by Dr. A.O.T. Fayiga (S&C, November 1988) show that different programming methods can reach the same goals, something affirmed by everyone who uses Lotus extensively. With a few enhancements that we'll discuss in this column, you now have a trading system that can make money and operates easily. Let's briefly review the DMI rules provided by Wilder in his book, New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems:

Entry Rules:


Exit Rules:


Programming to follow these rules for the September 1986 S&P 500 contract — and these rules only — produces the output you see in Figure 1. (The complete set of contract prices were printed in the December 1988 issue and, to additionally save space, I hid several columns in Figure 1.)

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