V.6:10 (381-384): AIQ/Stock Expert Version 2.51 by John Sweeney

V.6:10 (381-384): AIQ/Stock Expert Version 2.51 by John Sweeney
Item# \V06\C10\064aiq.pdf
Availability: In Stock

Product Description

AIQ/Stock Expert Version 2.51 by John Sweeney

AIQ Systems, Inc,

916 Southwood Blvd., Suite 2C

Drawer 7530

Incline Village, NV 89450

(702) 831-2999

Product: Trading system for stocks

Price: $688

Equipment Required: IBM PS/2, PC, XT, AT or true compatible, 512K RAM minimum, IBM-compatible graphics printer, graphics board, Hayes or compatible modem. Hard disk and math coprocessor strongly recommended.

Other Expenses: Price data service, either Hale Systems or Dow Jones News/Retrieval


Level of Analysis: Intermediate

Ease of Use: A

Documentation: A

Reliability: A

Disclosure: F (undisclosed)

Profitability: unknown

Overall: B

Here's a well-executed program that downloads data from the Hale or Dow Jones data services, massages it into 12 familiar indicators and generates trading signals for your favorite stocks. Thrown in is a small position (not portfolio) manager (Profit Manager) and a really nice graphics capability.

AIQ/Stock Expert is said to employ artificial intelligence in generating trading signals. We must, I think, take that with some salt because none of the "thinking" (i.e., the trading rules) are disclosed. While indicator formulas and examples are given, all you really need to know to use Stock Expert is what pops out as a buy/sell on the "Action List."

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