V.6:9 (324-327): Planetary analysis by Bill Meridian

V.6:9 (324-327): Planetary analysis by Bill Meridian
Item# \V06\C09\PLANETA.PDF
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Product Description

Planetary analysis by Bill Meridian

Little do managers of the nation's financial institutions and brokerage houses know but there is a strong underground of astrological and astrophysical analysts in their companies. Since publishing our first article in this area (see March and October 1987, Stocks & Commodities), a number of them have written to tell what they really use to come up with their recommendations. One who was with a brokerage at the time volunteered to write this instructional article under a pseudonym — Editor

Many technicians have followed the market's trail of bread crumbs to cycle analysis over the past few decades. The sometimes repetitive nature of price movements has an allure that can attract the greatest skeptics. I became interested in cycles in the late '60s and began to notice similarities between market cycles and planetary periods.

My interest truly ignited in the early '70s when an individual passed on an observation from an Indian metals trader: gold prices tend to peak when the Jupiter is 90 degrees from Neptune (geocentrically). Consulting a book of planetary positions (an ephemeris), I saw that the phenomenon was approaching in April 1974. With the private ownership of gold on the horizon, a good technical base in place and a strong uptrend under way, a reversal seemed unlikely to most observers. When gold failed to penetrate $200 and promptly gave back about one-half its value, I decided to take a closer look. The purpose of this article is to provide an introduction to this type of analysis.

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