V.6:8 (291-293): Peak performance in volatile markets, Part 1 by Neal Weintraub and Susan Arenson

V.6:8 (291-293): Peak performance in volatile markets, Part 1 by Neal Weintraub and Susan Arenson
Item# \V06\C08\PEAK.PDF
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Product Description

Peak performance in volatile markets Part 1 by Neal Weintraub and Susan Arenson

Man alone, of all the creatures of the earth, can change his own pattern. Man alone is the architect of his own destiny. The greatest discovery in our generation is that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.

William James

Peak performance can involve any activity where a certain level of achievement is being sought. It involves a sense of everything falling into place both mentally and physically. Dr. Jean Williams, a well-known sports psychologist says that studies of the common qualities of successful athletes mention the following characteristics:

•Higher self-confidence.

•More positive preoccupation with their sport, as reflected in positive self-talk, dreams and daydreams of sport performance.

•Better self-regulation of stress, anxiety and fears.

•Better concentration and narrowed focus of attention on the present, here-and-now task.

•Higher level of commitment to their sport.

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