V.6:8 (278-281): Profit taking with Mendelsohn
Product Description
Profit taking with Mendelsohn
Over the years, Lou Mendelsohn has been not only a persistent presence among trading system vendors,
he's also stood out as one of the few who advocated complete disclosure of the systems being sold. Not
content to disclose his own system, ProfitTaker, and its refinement, ProfitTuner, he's also written and
spoken out publicly on the hazards of buying undisclosed trading systems. He's also one of the most
realistic voices on the fad of optimization.
With ProfitTaker now well established and his family comfortably ensconced in a Florida ranch, Lou's
turned his attentions to—horrors!—quantifying the impact of new fundamental information on
tradeables. To see where all this might be leading and to check on any possible softening of his opinions,
we corraled Lou on the phone for several hours a few months back. Here are the results.
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