V.6:7 (272-274): TechniFilter Plus Version 6 by John Sweeney and Steven Notis

V.6:7 (272-274): TechniFilter Plus Version 6 by John Sweeney and Steven Notis
Item# \V06\C07\TECHNIF.PDF
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Product Description

TechniFilter Plus Version 6 by John Sweeney and Steven Notis

RTR Software Systems, Inc.

444 Executive Center Blvd., #225

El Paso, TX, 79902

(915) 544-4397

Service: Technical analysis package with advanced formula generator.

Price: $299

Equipment Required: IBM PC/XT, AT or 100% compatible; printer (type unspecified); CGA, EGA graphics adapter.


Level of Analysis: Advanced

Ease of Use: C to A, depending on how long you've used it.

Customer Service: A

Documentation: C

Reliability: A

The exciting thing about TechniFilter Plus (TF+) is its advanced formulary and so we'll focus this whole review on that feature. Although other formula-generating analytical systems are being marketed (RTR wrote some of them), this is the package that carries the idea to the current limit in PC-based programs. Traders tired of using canned indicators should read on. Introductory level analysts can skip the whole thing.

Using TF+, any trading idea developed from drawing on charts probably can be expressed by a function or by creating a formula. That includes trendline breaks; highs and lows (or the second—not third—high back); filtered waves (a la Merrill), point and figure reversals; retracements and swings. Many standard indicators (averages, stochastics, OBV, RSI, regressions, momentum) are already programmed in TF+. Just call them up and run them.

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