V.6:6 (224-226): Spectrum by John Sweeney

V.6:6 (224-226): Spectrum by John Sweeney
Item# \V06\C06\SPECTRU.PDF
Availability: In Stock

Product Description

Spectrum by John Sweeney

Technicom, Inc.

736 N.E. 20th Avenue

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33304

(305) 523-5394

Product: Trading system with optimizing capability and real-time trading signals. Price: $2,500. Graphix package: $395.

Equipment: Apple II or IBM PC/XT/ AT/PS or com-patibles, 256K RAM, monochrome or color monitor, MS-DOS or PC-DOS, two 360K floppy drives or one floppy and a hard disk drive.


Ease of Use: B+

Customer Service: A

Documentation: C (Undisclosed system)

Profitability: Comparable to VBS and Eurotrader

Reliability: A Overall: B

What we have here is, firstly, a very slick number cruncher for those who wish to search for the "correct" parameters for a profitable series of "would have worked in the past" trades. Secondly, given those parameters, the program will tell you what to do tomorrow.

This program was designed to find reliable values for its parameters. There are four items you can tweak, although what they are and the trading rules using them are not disclosed in the manual. (I've had other things to say about that subject in these pages.) These are the volatility average, high/low channel width, filter factor and the SPANEX average. Author Ray Green feels these are such well-known tools that listing them amounts to disclosure. Rest assured, you will not be able to duplicate Spectrum signals or check its results from the sales literature or the manual. Anyway, Spectrum is not the only system on the market which searches mounds of price data with unknown or vaguely defined rules, so there must be a market for this approach. Just don't count on increasing your trading knowledge using Spectrum.

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