V.6:6 (232-236): SIDEBAR: Using BASIC Programs to Massage Data
Product Description
Using BASIC Programs to Massage Data
Microsoft BASIC has become the standard programming language on today's PC's and clones. It comes
in a couple of slightly different flavors: BASIC, BASICA and GWBASIC, for example, are the most
common IBM and clone versions. There are plenty of rather esoteric versions popular among
programmers. The following steps will help you to install and use the BASIC programs provided in this
1. Getting started
Whichever version of BASIC you have, start it up exactly as you would start your spreadsheet. That is,
when the DOS prompt appears, type the name of your version, e.g: A:>GWBASIC
Assuming that you have GWBASIC on disk, you would now see an introductory message and the word
"OK" on your screen. This tells you that you can start using BASIC.
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