V.6:6 (205-209): Debugging and the virtues of experimentation Part 6 by Jim Summers, Ph.D.
Product Description
Debugging and the virtues of experimentation
Part 6
by Jim Summers, Ph.D.
In last month's column we discussed the use of {Put} and @Index(...) menu commands in Lotus 1-2-3.
These can increase significantly program speed by avoiding cursor movement and redundant range names
during processing. We used these to update the formula which calculates the trading range (TR1) shown
in Figure 1.
The TR1 portion of J. Welles Wilder's DMI is a complex formula and very susceptible to typing errors.
This month I'll show you how to debug complex formulas before we go on to develop the TR1 loop.
Are you chafing at the bit to get to the finished product? Keep in mind that this column is process
oriented; reproducing my system is secondary. The goal is to give you the tools to accomplish your own
trading tasks. Each column presents a tool, all the while moving towards a "product."
If the TR1 formula doesn't work the first time you type it into your computer, don't be discouraged. The
first time I tried, it didn't work for me either. Several sorts of errors commonly occur when using {Put}
and @Index(...) functions. We'll solve them one by one.
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