V.6:2 (65-66): Spike protection by John McCormick
Product Description
Spike protection
by John McCormick
You've just spent four hours perfecting the spreadsheet that conveys an idea which blossomed
full-blown in your imagination at 1 a.m. You know that you would never again be able to duplicate this
perfect means of analyzing stock movements, and you are certain that fame and fortune are assured by the
work you've just completed.
Realizing that you haven't backed up any copies of your precious work, you reach for a diskette. After
inserting the backup disk and striking the "save" key, you begin to relax. Just then, the lights in the room
brighten momentarily as the air conditioner shuts off. To your horror, you see the precious spreadsheet
scrambled to garbage on your monitor and the disk drive goes wild.
You have just experienced a power spike, a brief surge of high voltage in your power supply.
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