V.6:2 (70-72): Optionvue Plus by John Sweeney

V.6:2 (70-72): Optionvue Plus by John Sweeney
Item# \V06\C02\OPTPLUS.PDF
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Product Description

Optionvue Plus by John Sweeney

Options Software International

175 E. Hawthorn Parkway, Suite 180

Vernon Hills, IL 60061

(312) 816-6610

Product: Options analysis package for stocks, equity indices, convertible securities and COMEX gold.

Price: $695

Equipment: IBM-PC or compatible, DOS 2.0+,192K memory, two floppies or one floppy and one hard disk.


Level of Analysis: Advanced

Ease of Use: A

Customer Service: B

Documentation: B+

Error Handling: A

Accuracy: A

Overall: B+

An odd thing about many options packages is that they don't often exploit the major points in options' favor: their flexibility. As a general rule, I believe options aren't a great deal for the investing public. They are expensive (perhaps a reflection of the true underlying risks of the market) and commissions are high. In their favor is their ability to manage a position as it evolves, to move the position up/down in price or in/out in time.

Optionvue Plus, in contrast, seems designed to exploit, rather than ignore, these opportunities. Its analytical flexibility extends across time, price and volatility — by which I mean that all three variables are easily and conveniently manipulated.

Author Len Yates' philosophy, Succeeding with Options, Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, September and October 1986) is generally to use options' decaying value in conservative strategies which can be expected to yield above-average returns over time, though they are not positioned for explosive speculative gains. That philosophy is implemented in Optionvue Plus, version 1.9.

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