V.6:1 (24-27): Market Maker by John Sweeney

V.6:1 (24-27): Market Maker by John Sweeney
Item# \V06\C01\MARKETM.PDF
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Product Description

Market Maker by John Sweeney

Inmark Development Corporation

139 Fulton St., Suite 810

New York, NY 10038

Product: Analytical package for stocks, futures

Price: $495

Equipment: IBM PC/XT/AT or 100% compatible; 512K RAM, 2 floppies or floppy with hard drive; CGA, EGA, Hercules and other graphics; Epson MX/FX/LX or Okidata w/plus and play ROMs; Hayes Smartmodem 300/ 1200 or equivalent, and DOS 2.0


Level of Analysis: Intermediate

Ease of Use: A

Error Handling: A

Customer Service: B+

Documentation: B+

Reliability: A

Bringing out another analytical package takes courage these days. How many are there? A bunch, right? How can you tell the difference between them all? Do any of them do anything swell for your profits? Besides which, they all usually cost a fortune, right?

Relax! Herein, we'll use Market Maker, a new package from Inmark Development to try to make sense of the tradeoffs in this genre. Market Maker is a good vehicle for this because it deals well with all the problems you find in this level of work (see Figure 1), and it is positioned squarely in what I call the "intermediate" range of current technical analysis. That is, it presents canned studies for use on your data but has limited or no abilities for generating unique, personal indicators, doing optimization, evaluating trading strategies or doing independent statistical analysis.

Before I launch into this, let me say that we don't present every package we receive. We try to take the few that appear competitive with the best on the market (Figure 2). Market Maker easily got on my list because it is extremely fast and easy to set up and use.

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