V.5:11 (361-363): Spread investing Part 4 by Frank Taucher

V.5:11 (361-363): Spread investing Part 4 by Frank Taucher
Item# \V05\C11\SPREAD.PDF
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Product Description

Spread investing Part 4 by Frank Taucher

What if you have no interest in trading spreads, but prefer to trade outright commodity contracts? Could you use the same principles developed in the spread investing program laid out in this series of articles and apply them to trades in individual futures contracts? The answer to the above question is "yes." I use the same two tools in analyzing outright seasonals as I do analyzing spread seasonals. These tools are the quarter-month seasonal trade analysis and seasonal history printout.

What we are specifically attempting to uncover is the cream-of-the-crop period of the year when it is usually quite profitable to trade a particular commodity and also quite reliable. In other words, we want trades that have averaged a considerable profit over the years, and also have been able to experience those profits year after year after year.

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