V.5:11 (350-351): Cycles without tears by Hans Hannula, Ph.D.

V.5:11 (350-351): Cycles without tears by Hans Hannula, Ph.D.
Item# \V05\C11\CYCLES.PDF
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Product Description

Cycles without tears by Hans Hannula, Ph.D.

No doubt you have seen the ad in The Wall Street Journal for the book Math Without Tears . Well, this is how to find cycles without math and, therefore, without tears. Even though I have done a lot of technical work on cycles (See Stocks & Commodities, "In Search of the Cause of Cycles," March 1987), I still find the required mathematical skills are difficult for many people. Further, a lot of the mathematical techniques used to find cycles are tricky in that they require a great deal of care to produce valid results. Most techniques also cannot tell you that a cycle bottomed today, due to delay effects inherent in the calculations.

But there is a simple, easy way to find repeated event patterns in the market. If you can use grid paper, a pencil and a straightedge, you can master this technique in five minutes.

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