V.5:10 (319-324): Cyclical analysis of stock prices with astrology by Robert S. Kimball
Product Description
Cyclical analysis of stock prices with astrology by Robert S. Kimball
Over the past four years I have participated in a research project that has sought to test the validity of a
rather controversial and unorthodox approach to cyclical analysis. The primary objective of this project
was to test some of the more obscure elements of W.D. Gann's effort to establish correlations between
individual stock prices and planetary cycles.
Of course, a semantic roadblock immediately presents itself: to even suggest that planetary cycles could
have a relationship to stock prices causes an audible shudder in the minds of many rational thinkers. For
some, it is more respectable to use the word "astronomical" rather than "astrological." Whether we call it
astrology, as Gann did, or something else, the practical question to ask is: Can the study of planetary
cycles enable stock option traders to realize an increased profit advantage?
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