V.5:9 (301-303): Want to try something HOT!? by John Sweeney

V.5:9 (301-303): Want to try something HOT!? by John Sweeney
Item# \V05\C09\WANTTO.PDF
Availability: In Stock

Product Description

CF-DM from J.C. Productions. By John Sweeney

Some systems are so active it could give a guy a heart attack. J.C. Productions has put together one of the most active and breathtaking trading systems I've run across. Of course, I haven't seen everything in the world, but of the trading systems I have used, this one is unique.

To begin with, like a lot of floor traders and senior traders, CF-DM often trades against the market. Oh, it has its "I'm wrong" points when it will turn around and go the other way, but generally it will hold onto a stance with bulldog tenacity until normal market oscillation pops its position back into profitability. As the position sinks deeper and deeper into the red, CF-DM just adds to it steadily, waiting for that "inevitable" bounceback to take a profit and reverse in the trend direction. Documentation supplied on disk says the program may go as high as 15 contracts in building a position. Author Mel Cassidy says limit your exposure to four contracts, but then the track record must be recalculated. We tested it just as it comes in the box.

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