V.5:8 (262-263): The TEM Trading Systems and how it all began by William Cruz

V.5:8 (262-263): The TEM Trading Systems and how it all began by William Cruz
Item# \V05\C08\TEMTRDN.PDF
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Product Description

The TEM Trading Systems and how it all began by William Cruz

The last thing on my mind when I started trading futures in the mid-1970s was developing and marketing a trading system. In fact, if someone had told me back then that I'd be trading full-time and actually making a great deal of money at it I would have probably thought they were nuts!

But as they say, reality is stranger than fiction, and that's just where I find myself today. In just the past four and half years, I've gone from being a consistent commodities loser to a very profitable winner. Since Jan. 1, 1985, my research account has increased 398% without any addition or withdrawals of funds. What makes this fact even more satisfying to me is that I've been able to help several hundred other traders make the same turnaround.

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