V.5:8 (275-280): Product Review: Economic Investor II from Econ. By Bob Lang

V.5:8 (275-280): Product Review: Economic Investor II from Econ. By Bob Lang
Item# \V05\C08\ECONOMI.PDF
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Product Description

Product Review: Economic Investor II from Econ. By Bob Lang

Economic Investor II Econ One World Trade Center, Suite 7967 New York, NY 10048 (212) 529-3255

Computer: IBM PC, XT, AT

Price: $399

Economic Investor is a sophisticated econometric model using concepts and power never before available outside the realm of a mainframe computer. The program minimizes risk in a portfolio, using both rate of return and beta as risk measures. At the same time, it can be used to predict how stock prices will move under different economic conditions.

The program's four data disks contain the results of running thousands of calculations to determine the factors needed to predict price movement. These regression equations have yielded seven variables which, when used with reasonable economic forecasts, allow the program to make stock price predictions. This technique of relating price movement to economic factors is called factor analysis and has been used by academic researchers and institutional investors for years.

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