V.5:7 (251-253): Using ProfitTaker by Terry Apple
Product Description
Using ProfitTaker by Terry Apple
Currently, numerous software packages are available that employ optimization to create technical
models for futures trading. Every day I receive calls from traders around the country who are considering
buying one of these packages. Since many of these traders have little or no previous experience with
technical trading software, the most common question that I am asked is, "How would you perform an
optimization test to find a profitable trading model?" This series of three articles will provide a general
description of three of the most widely used software programs to trade futures, and will outline each of
their procedures for developing and optimizing future models.
This month we will explore ProfitTaker developed by Louis Mendelsohn. In subsequent months, we will
take a look at Profit Catcher III by Ray Green, and Swing Trader by Robert Pardo.
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