V.5:6 (207-210): Winning under stress: the fight-flight reaction by Van K. Tharp, PhD.

V.5:6 (207-210): Winning under stress: the fight-flight reaction by Van K. Tharp, PhD.
Item# \V05\C06\WINNING.PDF
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Product Description

Winning under stress: the fight-flight reaction by Van K. Tharp, PhD.

In primitive times, basic survival was man's most potent source of stress. Life or death, quite literally, hung in the balance of everyday decisions and one way early man learned to cope was by developing the ''fight-flight" reaction. It was a primitive, biological response to decision making under stress—either battle the apparent threat or run away from it.

This behavioral legacy is one that traders still must deal with today—even though we live in an entirely different world with entirely different stresses. But unlike our Ice Age counterparts, we have the choice of winning our survival—our financial survival—in different, and more effective ways. It starts by understanding how mind and body work together when confronted with the biological component of stress.

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