V.5:5 (175-179): A complete computer trading program part 3 by John F. Ehlers

V.5:5 (175-179): A complete computer trading program part 3 by John F. Ehlers
Item# \V05\C05\ACOMPLE.PDF
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Product Description

A complete computer trading program part 3 by John F. Ehlers

This is the third of four articles that give a description and BASIC computer program listing enabling you to perform technical analysis on your Apple ][ computer.

In the first two installments of this series, we started with a data read program and added a plotting program for the high, low and close of prices. This article will add to that program, enabling you to plot and superimpose moving averages and the Parabolic system over the price history.

Adding Listing I to your current plotting program is very easy. Simply LOAD the plotting program from the last issue and then type in the line numbers and program as given in Listing 1. When you have completed the typing, just SAVE the program to your disk.

After you have typed the program and saved it, you can immediately begin to use the moving average and Parabolic system functions you have created.

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