V.5:4 (140-141): Hardcard offspring by Howard Falk
Product Description
Hardcard offspring by Howard Falk
About a year and a half ago the Hardcard appeared on the personal computer marketplace and quickly
became a very popular item. Hardcard is a 10 million byte hard disk that plugs into one of the expansion
slots (normally used to hold adapters for printers and displays) at the back of the IBM Personal
Computer. This product sold so well that it stimulated development of many similar disks-on-a-card. In
fact, there are now so many different card-mounted units available that they constitute a new category of
hard disks for personal computers.
From the start, the appeal of these units has been that they are, compared to standard hard disks, simple to
install. In addition, they appeal to users who hate the idea of putting a floppy disk drive on the shelf after
removing it to make room for a hard disk. With a disk-on-a-card, there is no need to remove any floppy
drive since this disk, with its controller, fits neatly inside the IBM system unit.
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