V.5:4 (126-126): Floor Talk by William Eng

V.5:4 (126-126): Floor Talk by William Eng
Item# \V05\C04\FLOORTK.PDF
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Product Description

Floor Talk by William Eng

I started my trading career at the MidAmerica Commodity Exchange more years ago than I care to remember, or at this time, more years than I can remember. I learned a lot of lessons while trading there. One lesson I learned, and one which I am extremely fond of repeating to new traders, is the one concerning secrecy. No one can be told about your trading position, not even your wife. And if you are a wife, no one can know, not even the kids!

There was a legendary trader at the MidAmerica Commodity Exchange by the name of Harold Goodman. Most people don't know who this trader was and most would not care to know. However, if I said to you that this man bailed out certain traders at the MidAmerica who had bad positions on after the primary markets closed, your curiosity would be somewhat piqued. The people he bailed out were the like of Richard Dennis and Tommy Willis.

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