V.5:2 (72-76): Ganntrader I by Hans Hannula, Ph.D.
Product Description
Ganntrader I by Hans Hannula, Ph.D.
There is little dispute that W.D. Gann was one of the world's greatest traders. In one documented case
he made 286 trades, 264 of them profitable, in a 25-day period. He doubled his capital 10 times! This
kind of incredible result carne from his use of dozens of highly refined and sophisticated methods.
W.D. Gann was also clearly the original workaholic. In 50 years of active trading, Gann developed many
methods, each based upon exhaustive study and the preparation and analysis of hundreds of charts. His
work is so extensive and so exhaustive that even the most aggressive and persistent students of today
have probably only begun to scratch the surface.
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