V.5:2 (77-79): C3KANSYS by John Sweeney

V.5:2 (77-79): C3KANSYS by John Sweeney
Item# \V05\C02\C3KANSY.PDF
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Product Description

C3KANSYS by John Sweeney

(Club 3000 Analysis) Jim Welsh 6404 Buckingham Drive Burnaby, BC Canada V5E 3Y6 (604) 521-3275

Computer: MS-DOS computers using GWBASIC, 2 drives (one can be a hard disk) and printers with Epson features. Screen graphics adaptor if your machine needs one (such as an IBM)

Price: US $25

From the fertile mind of Club 3000 guru Bo Thunman and the programming talents of Jim Welsh (B.Sc.F., M.Sc., Ph.D.) comes a nifty little program to measure your trading account's equity performance using graphics displays and statistics. Since C3KANSYS is well within Stocks & Commodities' budget at $25 and is the result of much discussion amongst Club 3000 members, we decided to give it a look.

Looking at equity performance is the harshest measure of your all-around performance because it is the "no-excuses" approach. Forget about blaming the system, your broker, your spouse/dog, your philosophy, or your diseases. This approach just looks at the results where it counts: the bottom line on your statements.

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