V.5:1 (14-14): Direc-Tree PLUS by John Sweeney

V.5:1 (14-14): Direc-Tree PLUS by John Sweeney
Item# \V05\C01\DIREC.PDF
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Product Description

Direc-Tree PLUS by John Sweeney

VERSION 5.0 Micro-Z 4 Santa Bella Road Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 (213) 377-1640

Computer: IBM-PC, XT, AT

Price: $49 list

It's hard to believe that a program as handy as Dtree (our shorthand here at S&C ) could get handier. We've reviewed it favorably before, so our biases are well-known. We use it on all our IBM-like machines which run anything from subscription maintenance programs to technical analysis applications.

When we first met Dtree, it was a simple organizer for hierarchical file structures--of so we thought. Later, it turned out to be a word processor and program "booter." From our standpoint, it made life much more efficient as we jumped from application to application with one or two keystrokes. If even that was too much, we could write down the sequence of keystrokes and have Dtree do them for us--or our staff!

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