V.4:9 (352-354): Evaluting the COMMODEX(R) System by Ronald R. Goodis
Product Description
Evaluting the COMMODEX(R) System by Ronald R. Goodis
The COMMODEXÒ System— practically every futures trader has heard of it. Most serious traders
subscribe to it. It remains the only daily futures system published in the world and is internationally
circulated through the TYMNETÒ computer network and over Telerate.
Yet, few have ever really followed the "pure" COMMODEX system and it has been the subject of
popular controversy since it began in 1959. In fact, there was even an "Anti-COMMODEX System"
article published in the July/August 1984 issue of this magazine. In our age of "new" and "sure-fire"
commodity techniques, it is interesting to examine a system which has survived more than 27
consecutive years. What is the COMMODEX system? How does it work? Can it really produce profits?
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