V.4:7 (278-278): Agricultural Options by Dr. Alexander Elder

V.4:7 (278-278): Agricultural Options by Dr. Alexander Elder
Item# \V04\C07\AGRI.PDF
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Product Description

Agricultural Options by Dr. Alexander Elder

Agricultural Options George Angell American Management Associates 135 West 50th St. New York, NY 10020 230 pages, $22.95 hardcover

It used to be that each new book by George Angell could be counted on to provide fresh insights into the workings of the futures markets and give a few good trading ideas, Agricultural Options, however, is relatively disappointing for anyone who has read Angell's earlier books.

This is the author's first major foray into the new and growing field of agricultural options. Buying agricultural options allows market participants to profit from price moves in soybeans, wheat, corn, cattle, hogs, cotton, and sugar. Risk is limited to the option's premium. Unlike futures, the potential risk is spelled out from the outset, but the profit potential is still unlimited.

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