V.4:6 (233-236): Spreadsheets - a universal technical analysis program? by Stuart G. Meibuhr

V.4:6 (233-236): Spreadsheets - a universal technical analysis program? by Stuart G. Meibuhr
Item# \V04\C06\SPRE.PDF
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Product Description

Spreadsheets - a universal technical analysis program? by Stuart G. Meibuhr

A spreadsheet is often the first computer program people buy after getting a computer. Spreadsheets are merely electronic pieces of paper divided into rows and columns, the intersections of which define cells that permit the entry of text, numbers, or formulae, thereby allowing the user to create a worksheet dedicated to doing a specific task. The word "worksheet" defines a spreadsheet that contains text, numbers, or formulae, in effect the data file of interest, whereas the word "spreadsheet" merely refers to the computer program.

Investors or traders can make a spreadsheet to 1) perform portfolio accounting—keeping track of the profit/loss action of trading; 2) do technical analyses of the overall market incorporating daily, weekly, or monthly data; and 3) do technical analyses of individual stocks. Even fundamental analyses of stocks can be performed easily with a spreadsheet.

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