V.4:6 (228-228): Comex the Game by William T. Taylor

V.4:6 (228-228): Comex the Game by William T. Taylor
Item# \V04\C06\COMM.PDF
Availability: In Stock

Product Description

Comex the Game by William T. Taylor

Commodity Exchange, Inc. Four World Trade Center New York, NY 10048 (212) 938-8026 (800) 233-3443 Price: $69.95

This software package from the Commodity Exchange, Inc. (COMEX) is a futures options trading simulation game. The intent is to provide real-life like data, including futures prices for the COMEX Gold and Silver contracts, as well as news items that could affect these prices. Your job as the participant, is to assimilate all of the information, formulate a strategy and then take one of several positions in the market.

Most of the documentation for this game consists of marketing blurbs from COMEX. This includes brochures on gold and silver futures and options, and a book entitled COMEX Precious Metals Options: Strategies for the Investor. This booklet explains the use of options and demonstrates the various strategies to use in different market conditions. Each strategy is shown with an accompanying graph illustrating the risk that is taken. I found this to be very helpful in formulating my trading strategies during the course of the game.

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