V.4:5 (176-176): Precision Ratio Compass by John Sweeney

V.4:5 (176-176): Precision Ratio Compass by John Sweeney
Item# \V04\C05\PREC.PDF
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Product Description

Precision Ratio Compass by John Sweeney

Robert Prechter NEW CLASSICS LIBRARY P.O. Box 1618 Gainesville, GA 30503 Price: $249 (NOT a Fibonacci number)

Robert Prechter's latest item for use in deciphering Elliott waves is a nicely machined set of ratio dividers. The Precision Ratio Compass is designed to speed up chart analysis by determining likely price levels using Fibonacci relationships inherent in Elliott waves.

The alternative to using the compass is to laboriously read off the values from your charts, calculate the likely price levels on a computer or calculator, and plot the levels on your chart. With the compass all this is reduced to three quick steps: (1) set the compass for the ratio you want, (2) set one end of points to the length to which you wish comparisons made, and (3) flip the compass to use the opposite points and plot the desired price level.

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