V.4:5 (191-193): MESA by John Sweeney

V.4:5 (191-193): MESA by John Sweeney
Item# \V04\C05\034mesa.pdf
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Product Description

MESA by John Sweeney

John F. Ehlers Box 1801 Goleta, CA 93116 Cost: $350 Computer: Apple II, 48K, 2 disk drives, DOS 3.3 (16 sectors) (Also Apple III in emulator mode and Franklin) Printer with graphics is optional Under development is a version that will run on an IBM PC with two disk drives or XT or AT

Several years ago there seems to have been a tremendous excitement over cycles. Advisers set up shop. Foundations were formed. Seminars were held. Much ink and many trees were sacrificed to getting out the word.

Lately, there hasn't been as much press but the usage has become more sophisticated as traders discovered that, like everything else, cycles needed to be used as a portion of the overall picture— not the only picture. That leaves the trader with his traditional problem: where to get the information and what to use (if he doesn't have an engineering degree or a Masters in mathematics) to analyze it.

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