V.4:5 (163-168): CTCR's BRUCE BABCOCK By Melanie Bowman

V.4:5 (163-168): CTCR's BRUCE BABCOCK By Melanie Bowman
Item# \V04\C05\CTC.PDF
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Product Description

CTCR's BRUCE BABCOCK By Melanie Bowman

"Perceptive" and "to-the-point" describe Bruce Babcock, the attorney turned professional commodity trader to whom thousands of traders now look for advice on what's hot and what's not in services, systems, and software.

Babcock's best known newsletter, the Commodity Traders Consumer Report, is a one-stop resource for ratings, reviews, and information on advisory services, trading systems, seminars and publications. His style is to "lay it on the line," report the good with the bad, and look for value at a reasonable price.

While earning his law degree in the late 1960s at the University of California at Berkeley, Babcock whetted his taste for trading in the stock market. Using what was then an unpublicized idea, he and his roommate studied SEC insider trading, picked a tiny company and that first transaction, he recalls, "was so successful, I studied for the bar exam without having to work."

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