V.4:4 (150-153): The Right Time programs by John Sweeney

V.4:4 (150-153): The Right Time programs by John Sweeney
Item# \V04\C04\RIGHT.PDF
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Product Description

The Right Time programs by John Sweeney

The Right Time Stock Program ($349)

The Right Time Futures Program ($349)

The Right Time Stock Index Program ($349)

Computer: IBM or Apple T.B.S.P., Inc. 8821 Alcott Street Los Angeles, CA 90035 (213) 275-0208

Suppose you had an acquaintance who told you he was doing pretty well in the market. He'd quit his job to work full-time at it and, several years later, he was still at it, apparently making a living at it and enjoying himself.

You keep in touch and one day he tells you he's put the whole thing on a computer and he's going to sell a limited number of copies to the world. Naturally, he's not going to reveal the exact methods—that's all buried in the code. Back testing isn't available because he was busy trading the system, not accumulating records for future sales materials. The price is cheap—$349—for a set of software that, during demonstration—runs like a clock. Are you interested?

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