V.4:2 (69-69): ProfitTaker by William Taylor

V.4:2 (69-69): ProfitTaker by William Taylor
Item# \V04\C02\PROF.PDF
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Product Description

ProfitTaker by William Taylor

Investment Growth Corporation 1430 West Busch Blvd. Suite 4 Tampa, FL 33612 Louis B. Mendelsohn, president (813) 933-1164 Cost:$595 for the Apple version $995 for the Advanced IBM version includes $275 ProfitTuner report at no charge Hardware requirements: Apple II+, IIe, IIc (48K RAM) IBM PC/XT/AT or fully compatible 265K RAM Color graphics ASCII printer

ProfitTaker is a fully disclosed (to the buyer) trading system using seven technical indicators including short- and long-term oscillators, timing filters and sensitivity bands. What makes ProfitTaker different from other proprietary trading systems is that it was the first to allow the trader to vary the system's parameters to "optimize" performance. This is important since different futures contracts behave differently. Also, unlike many trading systems, ProfitTaker is designed specifically for trading futures and as such takes into account the unique factors found only in the futures markets: rollover, lock limit days, high leverage and a fast trading pace. ProfitTaker is both a trading signal generator, indicating when to buy or sell, and an historical testing program, allowing the trader to develop trading models and see how well the contract has performed in the recent past.

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