V.4:2 (60-62): Marshall wave theory by John Sweeney
Product Description
Marshall wave theory by John Sweeney
Yet another "wave" is being added to the futures lexicon: the Marshall Wave. Originated by John
Marshall (Box 2302, Naples, FL33939 (813) 263-3114. Marshall Wave is a complicated system for
trading futures in heavily diversified portfolios of contracts. Results for one 18-commodity portfolio
actually traded since Christmas 1984 show an initial slow rise followed by a skyrocket rise beginning in
March, 1985
As Marshall says, "Heavy diversification is the key to success in trading commodity markets." A
completed Marshall portfolio would have 36 commodities in it when fully invested. Subsequently, the
portfolio remains fully invested, either long or short in the direction of the Marshall Wave bias, in every
single commodity.
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