V.4:1 (36-39): A CHRISTMAS STORY by Ron Jaenisch

V.4:1 (36-39): A CHRISTMAS STORY by Ron Jaenisch
Item# \V04\C01\CHRIS.PDF
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Product Description


Jaenisch, a student of Professor Allen Andrews, reviews some of the Andrews Median Line and pivot point techniques in a whimsical story about trading Santa's account.

It was September 15, 1984 and time was getting short. Usually by the middle of September all the raw materials and supplies had been purchased and over 80 percent of the toys assembled. This year Santa knew he was in deep trouble. He needed one million dollars and only had $100,000. He looked at his production schedule and surmised that he could somehow make all the toys needed for Christmas if he had the cash by November 10th.

As he was going through his mail, he noticed that there was an investment seminar in Los Angeles the next day, so he got into his sleigh and took off for L.A. Robert Prechter seeing Santa at the door, instructed the ticket takers to let him in at no charge, telling them that Santa was his personal guest.

Robert took Santa to the dressing rooms where he met all the great advisors. He told them of his dilemma. They all shook their heads and told him they couldn't do it. One of them made a joking comment that there was only one man who even believed that it was possible. Santa asked who that was and the reply was Professor Allen Andrews in Florida.

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