V.3:8 (258-259): Commodity spread
Product Description
Commodity spread
The Handbook of Commodity Spreads
Price: $39.95
Wayne Esserman
(800) 428-7808
(800) 382-7884 (Indiana)
EWE Publishing
P.O. Box 201
Delphi, Ind., 46923
The problem with spreads is that they just aren't sexy. There's not enough "pop" in them, not enough
gusto. They ooze along, steadily but minutely changing day in and day out —a banker's deal. Not for
them is the explosive single-day rally or collapse. Sure, the pros play these things and make money at
them, but what fun are they?
You have to follow at least two contracts at once, perhaps more. You have to worry about new crops and
old crops. You can't figure out how to enter the order ("premium to the deferred!?") without your broker
laughing at you. Getting data on past spread performance is an extra hassle. Updating it with your current
software/data source is close to impossible, so it has to be done by hand. All this to eke out $.06 in oats
over six months? Are you kidding? So what if the ROI is 100% — it's still only $.06 for God's sake.
It can't be stated too strongly that the name of the game in futures is limiting the damage, not making big
points. The concept is alien to nearly all walks of American life. Most eyes are looking for the big wins,
but the trick is to be in the market long enough to take those big wins. Most traders don't think this way
and the received wisdom is that, as a result, as many as 90% of retail traders lose their shirts and leave the
game. The nifty thing about spreads is not that they make big gouts of money but that they rarely lose
large amounts.
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