V.2:6 (212-216): Investment Software Benefits by Gerald Frankel

V.2:6 (212-216): Investment Software Benefits by Gerald Frankel
Item# \V02\C06\INVEST.PDF
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Investment Software Benefits by Gerald Frankel

Is there a computer system for the professional technical analyst? In this article, we will take a candid look at a typical technical analyst's experiences with computers and software.

Finding a computer system that will do what you want—and maybe a few things you haven't thought of yet—is something like buying a car or stereo. You're dazzled by all the things it promises to do, but if you wait a while the next model promises to be even Jazzier.

Both fear of computers and an unrealistic faith in their worldly powers can frustrate an analyst's efforts to expand his or her analytical powers with timely data and reporting capabilities. Tom Dowse reports that he has overcome his own initial anxiety about working with computers and has acquired a valuable perspective of what he can expect. Generally, his experience seems to show that a range of software is really needed to accomplish the volume of data processing, analyzing, and reporting functions required to serve his clients and manage their investment portfolios.

Bunje Dowse & Corp., San Francisco, provides comprehensive services in financial and investment management. Dowse is a technical analyst whose credentials include degrees of JD (law), CPA, MBA (business). He directs the strategic economic planning services offered to Bunje Dowse clients and manages marketable securities through an affiliate, Dowse Securities Management Corp. The analyst's business experience includes private law practice and several years with Price Waterhouse & Company as a tax specialist. Dowse is also co-founder of Bank of America's Executive Financial Counseling Service.

Sharing some of the experiences of Dowse, both a technical analyst and financial consultant, might be helpful in formulating your own computer needs, avoiding costly guesswork and prevent a few bad investments.

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