V.2:5 (184-184): Book Review: by John Sweeney

V.2:5 (184-184): Book Review:  by John Sweeney
Item# \V02\C05\BOOK.PDF
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Book Review: by John Sweeney

An Easy Course in Using the HP-12C and Other Financial Calculators

by Chris Coffin and Ted Wadman

Grapevine Publications, Inc.

Corvallis, Oregon 97339

Price: $18.00

There seems to be something about financial calculations that boggles minds. I've taught finance courses for years and I'd guess that less than 20% of introductory students finish with a solid working knowledge of the fundemental equation. Now Messrs. Coffin and Wadman have written a book whose great value is not its explanation of a particular calculator, but its graphic presentation and detailed explanation of basic present value/future value calculations.

Coffin and Wadman don't skimp in explaining the machine itself—the first sixty pages deal with Hewlett-Packard's stack manipulation. Still, this is widely popular financial calculator, and this subject gets the book's remaining 70 pages. Persons who do have a good gut feel for PV/FV manipulations can skip this book entirely, but if you've just been issued an HP-12C for your line of work (as many of my students have) here's where you want to dig in.

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