V.2:3 (87-90): LANE'S STOCHASTICS by George C. Lane, M.D.

V.2:3 (87-90): LANE'S STOCHASTICS by George C. Lane, M.D.
Item# \V02\C03\LANE.PDF
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Product Description

LANE'S STOCHASTICS by George C. Lane, M.D.

In 1954, I was fortunate to join Investment Educators as a "gopher". I carried luggage, ran the projector, made charts and took attendance for the owner, Ralph Dystant, and for the technical "guru", Roy Larson.

When Mr. Larson (who was getting on in years) retired, Mr. Dystant became the guru for the stock market and I took the No. 2 spot teaching commodities. Mr. Dystant had a heart attack and, for a time, I taught both stocks and commodities.

Some 43 members of the Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Mercantile Exchange and MidAmerica Commodity Exchange went through our series of basic, intermediate, advanced and post graduate courses. They were sharp, experienced traders, who took an aggressive approach to their professional training.

When you teach something, you really have to understand how it works. Fortunately for me, I was forced to learn the field of commodities thoroughly just to stay ahead of these students.

Ours was the first school to teach a heavy course in Elliott Wave. Our conventions featured such noteable speakers of the day as Bolton, Marcheal, Jeff Drew, etc...

These were research days: 20 hour days, all calculating done by hand. The staff expanded to five. I shall not mention names, as they are all well-off financially, still trading, and don't wish to be bothered.

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