V.1:2 (25-25): Technical Analysis Information. by JACK K. HUTSON, EDITOR
Product Description
Technical Analysis Information.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our subscribers for their encouragement and
support, and Tim Slater, of COMPU TRAC, who made it all possible. The initial set up of a magazine
has proven to be an interesting experience, one that I am sure any masochist would enjoy. The idea first
came to mind almost two years ago shortly after the first COMPU TRAC seminar (Feb. '81) in New
Orleans. I did not attend the seminar, but did have an opportunity to listen to tapes of the conference. One
of the members at the seminar brought up the idea of a User's Group that, I felt, had a great deal of merit.
The single most appealing thing about a User's Group is the ability to focus and draw together each
others' experiences and thus learn without actually doing. Of course there are limits to what one may
learn from reading or listening to someone elses good or bad trading techniques, but these shared
excursions into the past could just be enough to warn or signal one to be alert to possible pitfalls (as well
as opportunities). In the first sample issue of "Technical Analysis" I wrote an article under the general
category of 'past experiences'. This will be a regular feature titled "Anatomy of a Trade''. In "Anatomy of
a Trade" we will publish a case history of a trade, winning or losing, describing the traders thought
processes before, during and after. In this way we, as a group, will profit from others' knowledge.
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