V.1:2 (29-31): Fast Fourier Transform by ANTHONY WARREN, PH.D./STAFF WRITER

V.1:2 (29-31): Fast Fourier Transform by ANTHONY WARREN, PH.D./STAFF WRITER
Item# \V01\C02\FASTF.PDF
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Product Description

Fast Fourier Transform EDITOR'S NOTE:

To improve program readability the subroutine listed here has been enhanced by a BASIC language list formatter. We hope that this will prove helpful. The assignment statement 'LET' and indentations are not required for most BASIC interpreters. The program flow-of-control is much clearer by observing that loop operations, such as, FOR-NEXT are indented so the FOR and NEXT are directly above one another.

This program has been provided, to subscribers on record as of January 31, 1983, FREE of charge, ready to run from within the Compu Trac system. One need only use the Apple II utility FID (File Developer) to move the text file named STUDY.30 to any Compu Trac data disks. The file PROC.30 may also be moved, for an example of a Procedure (number 30) using Fourier analysis.

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