V.1:1 (20-20): What Else Does It Do? by STEVE ROSS
Product Description
What Else Does It Do?
More and more people are investing in personal computers. But personal computers are often
purchased with only one or two real applications in mind. Many personal computer owners are not
programmers, and have no intention of learning to program now, or in the future.
As a programmer, I can sympathize with anyone who would rather not. Good programming requires a
tremendous investment of time, and frustration. The frustration never seems to completely go away. The
question many non-programmers are asking themselves is what else can that nicely packaged machine do
for me?
Once, the personal computer was only for the "hobbyist" -- a person who enjoyed programming
everything from the ground up. Now, there are numerous firms who specialize in putting together
packaged programs for a new market of people who want to use computers, but are not inclined to do the
The emergence of these software packages has opened a new vista for personal computing.
Unfortunately, many people are unaware of what all these programs can do for them, and even for those
who do see the potential, selecting the right one from the jungle of offerings is intimidating, to say the
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