V. 20:5 (94-96): Working Money: Candlestick Profits by Stephen W. Bigalow

V. 20:5 (94-96): Working Money: Candlestick Profits by Stephen W. Bigalow
Item# \V20\C05\104CAND.PDF
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Product Description

Working Money: Candlestick Profits by Stephen W. Bigalow

A charting technique from long ago can help you make a tidy profit.

Although candlestick charting has been a part of the US trading Acommunity for decades, only recently has interest picked up in this technique for investment purposes. The investor who takes the amount of time and effort needed to master candlesticks can reap handsome profits. Candlestick analysis can produce remarkably accurate results, and using it may help you maximize profits while reducing risk exposure.

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