V.16:13 (601-602): Quick Scan: Martin Pring's Introduction to Technical Analysis on CD-ROM

V.16:13 (601-602): Quick Scan: Martin Pring's Introduction to Technical Analysis on CD-ROM
Item# \V16\C13\108QS.PDF
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Product Description

Martin Pring's Introduction to Technical Analysis on CD-ROM (International Institute of Economic Research)

Martin Pring, long interested in educating investors on the fundamentals of technical analysis, realized several years back he could take advantage of the enormous capacity of the modern compact disc and put nearly everything he wanted to say on one. It wasn’t long before he had CD-ROM products on the shelves, one after another, the most recent one on his KST indicator, which we reviewed last year.

Pring, director and founder of International Institute of Economic Research (IIER), is a true technician. He is conversant with nearly every technique, and he isn’t shy about discussing charts, an aspect of market analysis that has often been labeled “witchcraft” by those not initiated. —John Sweeney, Technical Editor

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